Disorderly conduct causes many issues that disrupt the lives of other citizens. Although each state has its own laws related to disorderly conduct, it generally includes any act that may be deemed disruptive or socially offensive.

In Georgia, the laws related to disorderly conduct are written in ways that may be subjective in their interpretation and application. This can mean that a charge may have been wrongfully applied.

If you’re facing a disorderly conduct charge, you need to consult with a legal expert who’ll help you protect your rights and ensure that you avoid the penalties that may result.


Disorderly conduct may also be referred to as “disturbing the peace”. It consists of those acts that can create alarm or anger in others.

Disorderly conduct may include those behaviors that are in line with the potential to conduct illegal acts.

Thankfully, disorderly conduct laws are in place to protect the general public from disruptive behavior that can infringe upon their personal and professional lives.

The following are some acts commonly seen in disorderly conduct cases:

  • Abusive or obscene language
  • Excessive noise in public places
  • Physical attacks
  • Obstruction of traffic


Individuals charged with disorderly conduct may be able to avoid its penalties in a court of law. But they may also spend time in jail as their cases are being prepared.

Time in jail puts people at risk for violence, health risks, and other issues. So avoiding jail time is a priority for defendants charged with any crime, especially when they are innocent.

And for disorderly conduct and other crimes that are broadly defined, many people can be wrongfully convicted, further emphasizing the importance of obtaining legal protection as soon as possible.

Georgia law defines disorderly conduct as violent or tumultuous acts committed towards another person.

These acts must cause fear in the other party. It includes the use of obscene language in the presence of minors under the age of 14 as well as language that may incite violence.

Georgia courts classify acts of disorderly conduct as misdemeanors. Individuals who are convicted can face up to one year in jail and fines reaching a maximum of $1,000.

Despite being a misdemeanor, a disorderly conduct conviction may have lasting impacts on your personal and professional wellbeing. Any convictions on your criminal record can interfere with your employment or educational opportunities.


Working with an experienced attorney who understands the laws related to disorderly conduct is the first step to avoiding a conviction and the penalties it could bring.

Having the right legal resources at your side helps you navigate the legal system while gaining a better understanding of the options that are available to you.

You can prepare a defense for your case by demonstrating the lack of validity of the charges that are being made against you. A skilled attorney can help you have your case dismissed if you provide the right evidence to the courts.

Protecting your rights in a court of law can protect your long-term wellbeing. More importantly, it ensures that you have the strongest defense so that you avoid the lasting consequences that a conviction can have on you and your family.